BLUEiCYMiND Love-Stories

Valentine Messages to send Him

Valentine Messages to send Him

How I wish that I could spend my whole life under the skies watching the stars with you?
You're the first and last person I want in my life. Love you dear.

I can't really find the words to explain the way I feel when I hear your voice or when I see your face... all I can say is that I like the feeling.

Can you take me away and never let me go back?
Can you hold me in your arms and promise everything will be ok?
Can you kiss my lips and make all my problems disapear?
Can you love me as much as I love you?

You make my whole world go round.
You make my whole world stand still.
You make my life worth living.
You make me the person I am!
I love you.

People say that magic is fake,
wishes don't come true,
and that Prince Charming is nowhere...
so then how do I have you?

From the first time I met you till today,
you've been my rock solid pillar and my safety gear.
Today I want to let you know that
I'd be lost without you. Don't ever leave me.

If there was a card which said the right words,
I would have bought it but there wasn't,
that's why I'm writing this... I Love You!

I wouldn't care if the sun didn't shine,
I wouldn't care if it didn't rain, And
I wouldn't care if I couldn't enjoy winter's delight.
All I care about is to see your face and feel your presence
every single day in my life. I love you.

Your love has conquered me.
Now I belong to you.
I am your property so take care of me.

Valentine Messages to send Him

Must Browse To Full List of Valentine Messages

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