BLUEiCYMiND Love-Stories

"Why U Love Me, Give Me A Reason"

A Nice Story "Why U Love Me Give Me A Reason" :

One day a girl asked her boyfriend,
Why do you like me? Why do you love me?

Her boyfriend answered:
I can’t tell the reason.
But, I really like you.

You can’t even tell me the reason?
How can you say you like me?
How can you say you love me?

I really don’t know the reason, but,
I can prove that I love you.

Proof? No! I want you to tell me the reason.
My friend’s boyfriend can tell her why he loves her but you cant?

Okay, okay! Ermm..
Because you are beautiful,
because your voice is sweet,
because you are caring,
because you are loving,
because you are thoughtful,
because of your smile,
because of your every movement.

The girl felt very satisfied with his answer.

A few days later...
Unfortunately, the girl met with an accident
and fell into coma.
He then placed a letter by her side.
It said:

It is because of your sweet voice that
I love you.
Now can you talk ?
Therefore, I cannot love you.

It is because of your care and concern that
I liked you.
Now that you cannot show them,
I cannot love you.

It is because of your smile,
of your every movement that
I love you.

Now, can you smile? Can you move?
Therefore, I cannot love you.

If love needs a reason, there is no
reason for me to love you anymore in this case.
Now, do you still believe that
love needs a reason?

Love doesnt need a reason, and
I still love you

Sometimes, the best and the most beautiful things in the world\
cannot be seen, cannot be touched.
But, they can be felt in the heart.

Love doesn’t need a reason.
Its something you can feel burning
inside your heart, waiting to explode your love.
So, please, never ever ask someone.

Why he or she loves you.


Anonymous said...

A true lover

Marieannette P said...

wow... its awesome

Unknown said...

Its tittle should be "love cant be defined, it is expressed..."

The person who feel that win, the one doesnot loss the precious moment of life gifted....... said...

if a person truly loves you then should not ask such questions?????
yes but girls will be always remain girls.

Unknown said...

Thats true love.......

prince bhalani said...

wah kya baat he aashiq

Unknown said...

Very Nice Collection of Love Quotes, I feel like where ever love is there jealous will also be there. Is it right.

jealousy quotes

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