BLUEiCYMiND Love-Stories

Once More Its Quiz Time: Answers Part-1

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He is too short to reach the "10" button.

You give an apple each to your first nine friends, and a basket with an apple to your tenth friend.
Each friend has an apple, and one of them has it in a basket.

The man picks up a piece of wood and lights it from the fire on the west end of the island.
He then quickly carries it near the east end of the island and starts a new fire. The wind will cause that fire to burn out the eastern end faster than west end and he can then shelter in the burnt area.

The man survives the fire, but dies of starvation, with all the food in the forest burnt.
His parachute failed to open.

The man had hiccups ( hickhi).
He wanted to cure it with a glass of water, but the bartender cured it by giving him a surprise.

Farmer takes Goat across (leaving Wolf and Cabbage behind)
Farmer returns alone
Farmer takes Wolf across
Famer returns with Goat
We now have the Farmer, the Cabbage and the Goat on one side and the Wolf on the other side.
Farmer takes Cabbage across
Farmer returns alone
Farmer takes Goat across

Chris and Dusty row across, Dusty returns.
Alex rows over, and Chris returns.
Chris and Dusty row across again, Dusty returns.
Brook rows across with the Supplies, and Chris returns.
Chris and Dusty row across again for the last time.
(Note: some variations on this are possible)

The boys start sailing on opposite sides of the river.

The picture is of his son.

No fish is missing, There were only three people. The son, his father, and his grandfather.

The answer is four. Although there are many socks in the drawer, there are only three colors, so if you take four socks then you are guaranteed to have at least one matching pair.



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